If you are looking for a good product, the Coltri 7 CFM Gas Engine Portable Paint Ball Air Compressor is worth every penny. Overall, most of the customers are happy with this product and highly recommend it to everyone.
- PADI Master Scuba Diving Instructor Owned and Operated.
- This Product Comes Complete With A Full Manufacturer Warranty.
The Coltri Standard gas engine open frame high pressure air compressor uses a pumping unit that is made from top quality materials; connecting rods from aluminum alloy, stainless steel intercoolers and aftercoolers that are more than four meters in length, and cylinders of special cast iron. The electric motor uses an aluminum housing to keep weight to a minimum, making the station very compact. Also can be set up with a gas powered 6.5 hp honda engine as well. 5000 PSI Max Pressure Grade E Breathing Air Filtration 2 Fill Whips Gas Honda Engine 6.5 hp Stainless Steel Intercoolers When you place your order we will call you about options such as automatic drains, extra filters and oil.
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